Gregory Poole Truck Center is pleased to offer the following 2022 Cat training courses for our TEPS Dealers. Reservations are required at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the class. Class enrollments with less than 3 students may be cancelled. Students are expected to make their own travel arrangements.
2022 Course Schedule
Cat Information Resource
February 9th, 2022
Objective: Students are provided an overview on key Cat electronic resources to include as a minimum Electronic Technician, SIS Web, and Cat Web. Training will include both academic and practical exercises geared toward meeting daily operational requirements.
Cat Reman Core Process Review
March 8th, 2022
Objective: Overview of the Cat core process, where to find and how to use Caterpillar’s Core Criteria. Review how to properly handle, tag and return warranty cores. Understanding of the Cat SIB (Send It Back) program. Training will include practical exercises applying core criteria to actual failed components.
Warranty Administration
March 9th, 2022
Objective: Overview of the Cat Global Warranty Guide, navigating the Cat CLAIMSi website and discussing proper procedures for submitting and settling warranty claims, understanding of the Cat SIB (Send It Back) program, review all available 2017 Cat PCS Programs and submitting proper ESC registrations. Students will be afforded the opportunity to engage with the Warranty Trainer on any warranty situations impacting their specific dealership.
C15 2007 CRS
April 4th & 5th, 2022
Objective: Students are provided an overview on the Cat engine product line, with an emphasis of identifying and discussing any current product issues. Training will include a review of the most recent Cat Technical Tips broadcast information, as well as an overview on system operation and performance factors. Students will be afforded the opportunity to engage with the Technical Communicator on any product issues impacting their specific dealership.
If you are interested in attending an upcoming course, please contact Joe Coggburn at 919-755-7054
or email at