Cat G3516C Island Mode Gas Engine (Operates on 31.5 to 47.2 MJ/Nm3 (800 to 1200 btu/ft3) dry pipeline natural gas) .
Double bearing SR-4B brushless, form wound, permanent magnet excited, three-phase with Cat digital voltage regulator (Cat DVR), space heater, 6-lead design, Class H insulation operating at Class F temperature for extended life, winding temperature detectors and anti-condensation space heaters (120/240V 1.2 kW).
Containerized Module
40' ISO high cube container, 9-high stack CSC certified.
Standard cooling provides 40C (104F) ambient capability with 500mg/Nm3 NOx at 100% Continuous.
Generator Controls And Protection
Controls provide auto paralleling AGC-4 controller, CAN-bus, ethernet comm, PWM and analog outputs, legacy analog load sharing; includes PL1000E gas engine Advisor panel for operational/diagnostic information; cabinet houses shore power transformer, distribution, protection, and internal/external power selector switch.
Optional Equipment:
Utility Multi-functional Relay
Intertie protection provided via utility grade Basler BE1-11i