Marine Power

Marine Parts

Cat PartsC609823

Gregory Poole Marineā€™s Parts Department is an authorized distributor of CatĀ® OMC parts. Our Parts Department doesnā€™t just stop there; we also carry a wide array of OMC parts for many of theĀ other top brand engine manufactures. If you are in need of a hard to find part, stop by one of our locations and speak with one of our experienced and knowledge parts associates. We will be happy to assist you in locating the precise part for your needs.

Contact Us About New Marine Power Parts

Contact your nearest Gregory Poole Marine Power branchĀ or Order Cat Parts Online.

Used Parts

Gregory Poole Marine’s used parts warehouse isĀ Ā located in Beaufort, NC in the Jarrett Bay Marine Park.Ā Our used parts warehouse proudly offers customers an affordable, alternate parts resource. We stock Caterpillar parts and even a few boating accessories and surplus items. Have you been looking for a hard to find part? Need a part which is friendlier for your budget? From engines to bearings and more, if we donā€™t have it we will find it for you!

Please stop by or call our used parts coordinator September Smith today at 252-504-5103